Bärenzwinger screen saver

Bärenzwinger screen saver

The Bärenzwinger screen saver is a screen saver for Windows I wrote long time ago (around 2000) for the students club Bärenzwinger. Since it is written in pure C using the Win32 API and OpenGL it still runs flawlessly even on Windows 10 and ReactOS. And with Wine on Linux, OS X, FreeBSD, Opensolaris, Hurd and possibly other Unix-like operating systems.

So it is tested to run all Windows versions from Windows 95 upwards, e.g. on Windows 95b, 98, ME, NT4, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 and on Linux – an impressive list :-)

Here are some screen shots:

screen shot config 1 screen shot config 2

screen shot 1 screen shot 2 screen shot 3 screen shot 4

If you want to try this screen saver you may download the screen saver program file (only 374 kB!) to your favourite location, right click on it and configure, test or install it. On Linux run wine ss_cb.src to configure and wine ss_cb.src /s to run the screen saver program.

This screen saver is public domain software.